Failing Foundation Wall
This brick and fieldstone foundation showed signs of bowing, cracking, and even starting to collapse. To avoid a total foundation wall collapse, our team stepped in with a lasting solution to stabilize the foundation wall.

Our PowerBrace system connects to the joists and is cemented to the foundation floor to offer core support for the StableLock system.

StableLock Rebar
Rebar is woven through the PowerBraces to strengthen the concrete wall once it is poured.

StableLock Forms
Forms are assembled to mold the shape of the StableLock wall.

StableLock Form Support
Wooden supports were placed against the forms to maintain the wall's shape when the concrete is poured, ensuring the forms remain in place.

StableLock Wall
Once the forms are set up and sealed, the concrete is poured, ensuring every crack is filled. We use a vibrating tool to eliminate any air pockets in the wall. After the concrete cures, the forms are stripped, revealing the finished StableLock Wall!

StableLock Benefits
With the StableLock wall now in place, the failing foundation wall has now been stabilized. The homeowner can now have peace of mind that the structural integrity of the home is intact.